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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Chun Li vs. Balrog


                                 Overview- This match is all about controlling space and knowing what your opponent wants to do. Balrog is a straight forward character with not many tricks. Punishing his dash punches and aa'ing him is the key to victory. It will make your opponent have to beat you in footsies where he can seriously get the job done. Learning the ranges and spacing on his normals and specials are a must in the match up. When Boxer does get close to Chun it is very important to be patient. His counter hit set ups hurt and tick throws set up devestating oki. A 3 frame jab is no Chun can frustrate any boxer when played to the max. Also she can abuse him on wake with her, throws, CH set ups, and OS. This is a struggle for Boxer.

                                 Pros- Her makes Headbutt whiff
                                           Her super punishes all variations of dash punches that hit her on block
                                               and sweep.
                                           Kikouken makes Balrog have to take risks

                                Cons- When he gets close, its hard to get away
                                           Predictable fireballs will make you lose tons of damage.(Dash Ultra,Jump Over,ect.

                                Option Selects- The most important os in this match is J.Hpx2 OS Sweep

                                OS Sweep from J.Hpx2- This OS beats all headbutts , safe jumps them, or even make them whiff. This video will explain how to go about doing this. Credit to MagnetoManiac. About 0:51

                                 Jab Fierce OS- This OS beats Backdash but loses to anything else. Check out my other post if your not familiar with it.

                                Ultra of Choice-U1- Punishes any Dash punch twoards you if you have the reaction,

                                                          U2- Can combo anywhere. Pick the ultra you feel more comfortable with.

                              "The Super that shuts down all"- Saving your meter in this match up is very important. Balrog will be extremely limited. Every Dash punch will become punishable making the match up IMO turn to a 7-3. Zoning on top of the fact that he can't dash puch or sweep makes it horrible.

                Super Punishes
                All Dash Straights- punish- Jab punish except for ex or focus
                All Dasn Low Smash-punish- Jab punish/Breaks Armor
                All Swing Blow-punish- Jab Punish/Breaks Armor
                All Dash Low Straights-punish- Sweep or U1 punish except for ex or focus
                All Turn Around Punches-Breaks Armor
                Sweep-punish-or focus

                                 AA'ing Boxer is easy. His hitbox is wierd on some of his jump in though.
                Jump Hk= Your
                Jump Hp= Your or St.Hp

                                 "Buttons vs. Buttons"- Chun and Balrog have some of the greatest footsies in the game. They can go toe to toe in the footsie department. Like I said before, learning the spacing for his attacks are the key to the player respecting your spacing. Boxer has a couple of good normals to watch out for.

              Sweep- His sweep has a lot of range and generally safe on Chun's block because of pushback  Learn how to focus very predictable Boxer who abuse this. Your and Sweep whiff punish his sweep with easy. Stay in that range and wait for it.

              St.Hk- This move has hella range and hurts. Another move that can be focused. Its also used alot in counter hit setups. Your,st.hp,and sweep deal with this move.

     Far reaching hitbox for a crouch strong. Used after walk back to tag stand techs or a button. Usually cancelled in to dash punch. Your St.hp reaches this normal.

              Jab- Nothing lol. Recovery is to good. Be careful about trying to do walk up counter hit setups on Boxer its a hell of a risk vs. a 3 frame jab. 

                                Meter- Besides stocking super to punish all of his options using your ex SBK to keep him off of you should be used wisely. Being Baited can makes all of your zoning go down the drain. Read how aggressive your opponent is and react accordingly. Ex FireBall is a good choice from time to time to throw off their ex dashes. I use ex legs only if the punish will be worth it aka death or big damage combo.

                               This match is a turtle fest mixed with rush once you knock him down. See what type of Rog your fighting. Is it the dash punch spammer that loses to you neutral jumping all day or the patient rog that engages in footsies and knows how to walk and block. Once you know, it will be easier to know what to do. Please leave comments and continue to support me.
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Shout outs to for uploading some of my replays.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Updates Soon

Sorry guys, been busy learning stick and trying to level up my game. Im back now and will do my write up for Chun vs Rog in the next few days.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chun Li vs. M.Bison


                                    Overview- This is a perfect example of a "cat and mouse chase". Both character are looking to get health lead and sit on it. Chun has a slightly easier time because she does have a fireball. Bison with meter can escape many different situation that alot of character can't, so its hard to keep him under wraps without guessing. They both have very fast normals which can be very deadly to walk forward on with a 3 frame short into a free combo. The character that does get life lead first is at very good advantage since the other character has to give up charge to chase them down. Staying solid and patient is the only way to defeat Bison. Without patience, you can not defeat this character. Mobility is also a plus to not getting backed into a corner. It can be a nightmare without the proper

                                    Pros- She can keep him out until he gets 1 bar
                                             Dash U1 punishes Devils Reverse on whiff and cross up psycho can be U1'ed.
                                             Super punishes far
                                    beats psycho and scissors

                                    Cons- When he has meter, you have to be cautious about fireballs
                                               It's hard to contain Bison with his many wake up options
                                               Bison J.fp is very hard to anti air
                                      sometimes whiffs on his standing hit box (use

                                    Option Selects- The most important OS to master in this fight is OS Hazanshu from J.Fpx2.
                                    OS Hazanshu from J.Fpx2- This OS beats Tele and avoids Psycho. This video will explain how to go about doing this. Credit to MagnetoManiac. About 2:03

                                    Ultra of Choice-U1- Punishes Devil's and cross up Psycho. Bison falls out in the corner sometimes though.

                                                            U2- Combos from everything and can be used for an AA. Chose which ever ultra feels right.

                                    "You can run, but you can't hide"- If Bison gets life lead first and sits on it, frustration levels can start to rise. Stay calm, 99 sec is a long time to come back.  Learn how to walk the opponent to the corner. Bison is very limited if his back is to the wall. Usually they will try and Psycho out which can be baited by jump back or U1'ed after the cross up. Try and always be a step ahead of the Bison player. Now lets say they dont walk themselves to the corner and they know how to stand there ground with solid footsies. If there holding downback then scissors is the only real problem which can be solved with is a good tool to beat scissors, but dont abuse the poke because it does have slight recovery frames. Neutral jump Hk is good to but can get beat out by his far Hk. Bison best two pokes(Far Hk and Far Mk) are both fast 6 frame attacks. The best option to deal with these are focus crumple or dash through combo. Keep in mind that when a Bison walks forward they give a way there charge meaning little risk to focus there next poke. If you get predictable, they can of course dash up throw. Far Hk and Far Mk can be whiff punished by Far Mp or Fp. Anytime you knock him down try and mix him up and get life lead. If he has meter bait, but dont respect his wake up to much or the opponent will be in your head. Try and make him waste that bar.

                                      AA'ing Bison- Trying to anti air with the normal we usually use get beat out or trade in his favor. Try reacting with a J.Hp or air throw. His J.Hp just has to much priority. Lvl 1 Focus helps also.

                                      "You can run, but you can't hide"Part2- If Chun gets life lead first its alot easier to keep it. Having a great fireball and Bison have a floaty jumps really benefits us. If he jumps go air to air with him. If he FADCs' through a fireball Hp him in the face. If he walks and block, mix in hazanshu and occasional dash up throw. The hard part about these tactics are trying to not corner yourself and not throwing a bad fireball. Bison's jump in combos are no joke. Try and stand your ground with and If he starts to focus them,wait for the focus and jab it. Staying mobile is the key to winning. Try not to stay in the same spot to long. Avoiding the corner isnt easy but is possible. If you do find yourself trapped in the corner there is a couple of key button that will get you out.

                                         "How did I get here"lol The Corner- Bison's Scissor pressure use to be a nightmare until I learned the proper buttons to press. There are a couple of different situations.
  • Scissor-Short = Holding Back in the corner will make the short whiff/ will whiff punish it.
  • Scissor-Scissor = St.lp, Hazanshu, or any button 9 frames or lower
  • Scissor- Delayed Scissor = St.lp,, Jump back Hk, or block for saftey
  • Scissor-Hk = St.lp or C.Hk
  • Scissor-Ex Head Stomp = Whiff the St.lp then Dash forward for a free combo.
St.Lp has to be one of the greatest option she has vs. his pressure. It very fast and safe. Dont panic when you get cornered. Be patient and you will get out.

                                             Meter- Chun and Bison are very dependent on meter. Bison probably slightly more but none the less both character need a get off of me tool. Bison's strings can be Ex.SBK'ed. That string is broken up. Tip range Scissors can also be reversed out of the blockstring. Becareful not to get baited but always remember your options. Baiting Bison into waisting meter is key to breaking there defense. Bison without  meter is Chun Li's revenge all Any Ex Devils reverse twoards you can be, into ex legs, or focused through with a combo. If they want to corner themselves while doing that move, go ahead and let them.

                                             This matchup will test your patience and spacing. Bison can be annoying, but hopefully I helped out. Keep supporting the blog and spread the word.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chun Li vs. The World Warriors

                     I created a match up chart of Chun Li matches in AE. This is my opinion on her many matches from most of my experience and notes. Comments can be left if anyone has a question about one of my decisions.^_^ enjoy

  1. Abel-6/4
  2. Adon-5/5
  3. Akuma-4/6
  4. Balrog-6/4
  5. Bison-5/5
  6. Blanka-3/7
  7. Cammy-4/6
  8. Chun Li-5/5
  9. Cody-6/4
  10. Dan-6/4
  11. DeeJay-5/5
  12. Dhalsim-5/5
  13. Dudley-6/4
  14. E.Honda-7/3
  15. El Fuerte-5/5
  16. Evil Ryu-6/4
  17. Fei Long-4/6
  18. Gen-6/4
  19. Gouken-5/5
  20. Guile-5/5
  21. Guy-6/4
  22. Hakan-6/4
  23. Ibuki-6/4
  24. Juri-5/5
  25. Ken-4.5/5.5
  26. Makoto-6/4
  27. Oni-6/4
  28. Rose-5/5
  29. Rufus-4/6
  30. Ryu-5/5
  31. Sagat-5/5
  32. Sakura-6/4
  33. Seth-5/5
  34. T.Hawk-6/4
  35. Vega-6/4
  36. Viper-4/6
  37. Yang-4/6
  38. Yun-4/6
  39. Zangief-6/4

Good numbers, struggling mostly with the top tier. Of late, Ive been training and thinking in a new way about the game. Hopefully that will change my top 16 performances into top 8 and or win. I still got faith in Chun.
I will be starting my vs. Bison Guide soon.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Texas Bar Fights 4

Was a great tourney as usual. Had lots of fun and good games. I won SF4 for the 3rd time^_^ and Blaz for the 1st time playing Tsubaki since the low tier Here are the winner finals and Grand Finals vids of SF4.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Thoughts on Chun Li in AE


              Nerfs- C. Hk stun got reduced and St. Mp damage got reduced generally meaning you will have to poke your opponent more times to end the match. 
                          Her Focus Attack is much easier to hit now.

                          Df.Lk has more start up now so its harder to use as an AA. In most cases you can not combo after trade anymore.:(

               My thoughts: Chun is still a good character but you have to work even harder to win in many of her match ups. The C.Hk and St.Mp nerf make some match go on longer than expected. Can't say that im a fan of that nerf. The Df.Lk nerf really has hurt my gameplay. Not only is it really slow, but no combo after trade is whack IMO. Now im forced to aa with either ground normals or jump back fierce. She feels alot like vanilla Chun. This version of Chun will surely step up our reactions. Most of her matchups are the same just a little longer. With AE introducing Yun,Yang,Oni,and E.Ryu, Chun has many new matchups to explore. Its soon but IMO I will say she loses to the twins 6/4 and goes even with Oni and E.Ryu. I would say now she is a solid mid tier character. All the Chun players must pull together so we can push our character to the top and win a major tourney with her. Some have came close, but one of us will do it some day.^_^!

               The next match up I will cover is M.Bison. So stay tuned and continue to support me.